Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Running out of ideas

Ok, so I am on official Blog Overload and running short of ideas... and sleep... Here are some cute pictures to captivate your hearts until next time! Oh, and don't forget to visit the new Vanderkitten webstore and buy yourself something special... YOU DESERVE IT!! =) If you click on the pics they *should* get bigger. I added appropriate thought comments of what Raycer might have been thinking in the pictures...
"Granmommy, move back there a little bit, I'm going to be out of focus"
"Hang Loose, Granmommy. I learned this in Hawaii when I was swimming with the dolphins and magical sea turtles."
"Mommy's still sleeping, I wonder if her boob can come visit?"
"I bet you think this cutesy 'Eskimo Kisses' thing has legs? It ends now!"
"When baby Jesus told me I was going to California, I was excited because I thought- "Man, California is sunny and warm!! ...what's up with this 50-degree weather?"

Raycer prefers cars to calculators in early study!

In order to prepare Raycer's developmental path for the future, I placed 2 items in front of him to see where his 3-week-old development status was: A calculator and a picture of a car.

Generic 13 Function calculator with Time/Date/Alarm Function and 8 digit LED disply.

He stared and stared at the calculator, no doubt comparing this archaic device to the likeness of the abacus. I was excited because math is a very important skill in business and life! He was going to be a Math Man and find financial success and freedom at a young age!!

...and in a gesture just as swift as my thought, he put his hand on the car and made an engine sound!! MY LITTLE BOY!!

2007 Toyota Yaris RS- 30 MPG City - 40 MPG Highway... Out handles a Corvette.

Raycer was so excited when I told him it got 40mpg that he started to crawl around and make car noises!! Hey, was that some left-foot braking?! Raycer... you little devil!

"Vroooomm!! Vroooooooommmm!!!!"

Angels in Furry Suits

As a way to appease Ophelia (a fellow Taurus to Raycer, BTW) I told her that when he was born, she was going to have to be his guardian and watch over him. I thought she had no idea what I was talking about, but evidence suggests otherwise!
She is always around Raycer, keeping a watchful eye over him and telepathically communicating with one another. Here are Ophelia and Raycer talking about the similarities of an unchanged, dirty diaper and an unchanged, dirty litter box.

The Close-Up Series

Everyone wants to see more pictures of Raycer! "When is Dave updating the blog?" "When can we see more?" While Jennie was asleep, and I was at work, Grandmommy Ruth scheduled a photoshoot of Raycer to catch everyone up on his antics. This is the next best work I've seen to a Nanny Cam... a Granny Cam!! her patented close-up tachnique was too much for her point and shoot's focusing abilities, unfortunately. =(

Sleep comes in small doses...

For those of you who get the advice "sleep now, because you won't get a good night's sleep again for 18 years", discard that info right now! All it takes is readjusting your expectation of what "a good night's sleep" really means to you! I know if I can string together 5 hours, that's a GREAT night's sleep! AND, I get to see more of my baby boy!

I can't say that Jennie shares this fanataciscm for sleep deprivation though. She does manage to put on a pleasant smile for the camera, and she looks very happy when she's holding Raycer McTikerton.

First Bath!

I am not really certain if this was Raycer's first official bath, or a reanactment of the scene. I often forget to wash his hair, because at that point he's reached melt down mode. Now he loves taking baths... this was an attempt to wash his hair and clean his neck... note the blurred photo accurately depicting his thrashing. His new nickname might be "PigPen"

This is MY HOUSE!

It's never pretty when the Turf Wars begin. Baby comes home from hospital, cats fear for their lives. Cats realize baby can't move on his own, they move in to reclaim there turf, and take "a lil' extra... just fo' good measure... CAPICE?"

Chubby Belly Kitten takes up residence in the Baby Einstien Gym.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Raycer comes home!

On Friday, Jennie the ever over-achieving mum, decides she's had enough of the hospital and gets the OK to come home. We pack up the disaster of a hotel/hospital room and figure out the car seat on the fly, then we're off for a short trip home!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tiny Baby, Big Dreams

Raycer's first visitors are Tracy and Jake! Jake wants to know when Raycer can come over and play?

Raycer in the hospital with dad; locking eyes, realizes mommy has the milk... their relationship will never been the same.
Here are some Hospital Pics, then we'll bring him home!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


IT'S A BOY!!! All of the chinese ladies at the deli around the corner from our house were right- IT's a BOY!! 7lbs, 1oz. of joy, Raycer Caden Verrecchia. Raycer is a name derived from Jennie' Dutch heritage, as I will tell you, or from my Scandanavian heritage, as Jennie will tell you. Either way: When you hear someone talking about "Raycer", you'll know who they're talking about.

Here's Jennie, pre-drugs, ready to go into her C-Section. Although we spent months in natural childbirth classes, Raycer was not ready to turn around... possibly due to his umbilical chord being tangled around his neck. In the end, post surgery, we are gald we made the safe decision... the doctor had a hell of a time getting him out because he was literally grabbing onto something and would not come out. (I witnessed her attempt, I thought she was going to lift jennie off the table!!) Raycer, being a tough little guy, came through well and just wanted to be with his mommy!

Ok, I know you want more pictures, so I'll drop some in.